Monday, September 16, 2024

Gender gap is still very very critical

Monday 16th September 2024 at 9:14 AM

A recent UN report is sounding the alarm for global action

New York: 16th September 2024: (Media Link//The Women Screen Desk)::

A recent UN report is sounding the alarm for immediate global action to address critical gender gaps. Despite progress in gender equality and women's empowerment, with women now holding one in four parliamentary seats and fewer women living in extreme poverty, the report reveals that none of the indicators for Sustainable Development Goal 5 - achieving gender equality-are being met.

At the current pace, achieving gender parity in parliaments won't happen until 2063, and it will take an astonishing 137 years to lift all women and girls out of poverty. One in four girls are still married as children, highlighting the immense work that remains to be done.

The report emphasizes the staggering cost of gender inequality, with countries losing over $10 trillion annually due to inadequate education and an additional $500 billion in the next five years if the digital gender gap persists. 

Key Recommendations:

- Increase Investments: Boost funding to support women's empowerment and education

- End Discrimination: Enact and enforce laws to protect women's rights and prevent violence

- Legal Reforms: Implement domestic violence legislation to reduce intimate partner violence

World leaders are urged to take decisive action at the upcoming Summit of the Future on September 22-23 and the 30th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action in 2025 to address these critical issues.

As Sima Bahous, UN Women Executive Director, emphasized, "Progress is achievable, but it's not fast enough. We need to keep pushing forward for gender equality" 

Monday, September 2, 2024

Union Minister Launches SHe-Box Portal

Posted On>Monday 02nd September 2024 at 12:06 PM //Ministry of Women and Child Development//PIB

Revolutionizing Workplace Safety for Women's Empowerment 

New Delhi
: 02nd September 2024:(PIB//The Women Screen Desk)::

In a landmark move to enhance workplace safety for women, the Ministry of Women and Child Development, led by Union Minister Smt. Annpurna Devi, launched the upgraded SHe-Box portal on August 29, 2024. This advanced platform is designed to centralize information about Internal Committees (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) across the nation while streamlining the registration and tracking of sexual harassment complaints in workplaces.

The revamped SHe-Box now allows women to submit complaints directly to the relevant IC or LC of their choice, significantly reducing delays and minimizing human intervention in the complaint resolution process. Once fully updated with information from all Ministries, Departments, States, UTs, and private sectors, the platform will operate at full capacity. The Ministry's current target is to onboard the details of nodal officers and ICs of all Central Ministries/Departments by October 2024. The event also saw the unveiling of the Ministry’s newly redesigned website, marking a new chapter in its digital outreach.

The She Box will prove as A Game-Changer in Workplace Harassment Prevention in very short period. The SHe-Box portal is a cornerstone in the government’s mission to eradicate workplace harassment. By serving as a centralized repository of IC and LC information across sectors, it offers women a unified platform to file complaints, track their progress, and ensure timely action by relevant authorities.

At the launch event, Smt. Annpurna Devi highlighted the portal's role in providing women a more efficient, transparent, and secure way to address harassment at work. “This initiative underscores our government’s commitment to building a safer, more inclusive workplace for women across India,” she stated. The Minister also assured that privacy and confidentiality remain a top priority, with strict safeguards to protect the personal information of complainants.

It is not a slogan only  it is also a target that the Empowering Women as India Marches Towards 2047. As India approaches its centenary in 2047, the government, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has placed women's empowerment at the center of its development agenda. 

Recognizing the critical role women play in driving economic growth, the focus remains on creating safe and enabling workplaces where women can flourish. The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 has been a cornerstone of this effort.

The launch of the SHe-Box represents a significant leap forward in implementing the provisions of this Act. Beyond just complaint registration, it ensures active monitoring and accountability, laying the groundwork for a safer working environment for women across sectors.

Now this new invention is a New Digital Face for the Ministry too. It will improve the safety and confidence among women. Alongside the SHe-Box, the Ministry unveiled its newly designed website, crafted to enhance the government’s digital engagement. As digital platforms increasingly become the primary point of interaction for citizens, the new website aims to create a cohesive visual identity while improving accessibility and interaction with both national and global audiences.

Bridging Gaps Through Digital Innovation with very easy steps and system. The SHe-Box portal is a reflection of the government’s broader vision of harnessing digital innovation to empower women. By providing a seamless, single-window system for registering sexual harassment complaints, the portal makes the process easier and more accessible to all women, regardless of their work status or sector. Whether they are employed in the organized or unorganized sector, public or private institutions, or even domestic workers—SHe-Box is a tool for every woman.

In addition, the portal includes a repository of resources linked to the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act, 2013, such as handbooks, training modules, and advisory documents, all available in Hindi and English for free. The portal also offers educational videos aimed at spreading awareness of the Act’s provisions.

In an Concluding point of view the launch of the SHe-Box portal is a monumental step in the government's ongoing mission to create a safer, more equitable workplace for women in India. By integrating technology with legal frameworks, the portal provides women a reliable and secure platform to voice their grievances. 

Along with the new website, these initiatives are a testament to the government’s unwavering commitment to fostering a supportive, inclusive environment for women as India moves towards its centenary milestone in 2047.